Chapter 2 News + Discord Server Annoucement

Hey all!

So over the last month we have been working incredibly hard on Chapter 2 and we can confidently say it's around 20% done at this point in time!

The game still has a while to go however we want to start revealing bits and pieces about the second chapter. (Mainly the characters you'll meet this time around).

In Chapter 2 there will be 7 completely new characters that you will encounter, all you'll learn to love or hate!

Oh but you don't get to see them just quite yet dear reader! In due time I promise.

We'll be revealing each character of the game 1-by-1 very soon and we can't wait for you to see them!

For now I give you some screenshots from development!

We also want to quickly mention that we've created a discord server for fans of the to hang out in!

If you liked Your turn to Disembark and would like to chat to us then check it out here:

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